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My Story

How Breathwork Found Me

Breathwork came to me at a time when I needed it most. I have always considered myself a level headed person. I am kind, friendly, and generous. I spend time with my family and always return the shopping cart after I unload groceries into my car. My spiritual practice consisted of yoga maybe twice a month and an occasional attempt at meditating. I was someone who felt as though I had already done "the work".. HA! was I wrong.


In the summer of 2019 I was diagnosed with an intestinal disease that changed my life. I was suddenly living a life I did not recognize as my own. I couldn't work or even leave my house. I was afraid to be more than 100 ft from a bathroom. After a rollercoaster ride with different medications and their side effects I noticed that I was only getting worse. For the first time in my life I went against what the doctors, family, and friends were telling me to do. I learned how to say "no". I went off of all medication and started seeing a holistic doctor who gave me hope that I could cure myself naturally. As I started to utilize all sorts of holistic treatments I quickly realized something. I couldn't heal my gut without also healing my  mind. They go hand in hand. I learned that our bodies want to heal. We just have to give them the time and care that they need. The holistic approach was not going to be a quick and easy fix, but I knew that it was a journey I was willing to go on.


When the pandemic hit I had already been stuck at home for months. I had gone to a dark place. I knew I needed to do something to not feel so isolated. I started following all social media pages that had anything to do with gut health. One of these women happened to do breathwork. I signed up for a free session and loved how relaxed it made me feel. During my second session I left my body.. I healed so much in one hour- mentally and physically- I could just feel it. I was amazed. 


I began to build a morning routine around my breathwork practice. I could feel how powerful it was to bring consciousness to my breath especially while healing. I began to see shifts everywhere. I no longer felt overwhelmed towards triggers that once would have made me anxious. I managed to achieve true relief from physical and mental health challenges in ways that I didn't think were possible. I felt safe in my body. This sense of safety proved that my breathwork practice was regulating my nervous system. When our nervous system can get to this place of "rest and digest" it finally has the space to heal. And that is what happened for me.


In spring of 2022 I felt the need to make a career pivot but I did not know what. I remained open to wherever the universe wanted to guide me. That is when I felt the call. Why not bring this incredible modality to my neck of the woods. Now, as a Certified, Trauma Informed, Pause Breathwork Facilitator I am answering the call to wake people up to their true potential. Join me, and start living the life you came here for


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